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Week 1, Fall 2023: Welcome to the ACE Study Tip of the Week

ACE Study Tip of the Week

Welcome to the fall semester University of Illinois Chicago 2023/24 ACE Study Tip of the Week! Throughout the semester, I will share timely and helpful suggestions in preparation for classes, study strategies, time management, test-taking, and more. Before classes begin, it is suggested you read the first chapter of each course textbook. Thus, you will come prepared to class and ready to learn.

Purchasing used books: besides being cheaper, students have already highlighted important topics & written short helpful notes. Textbooks available as e-books may be cheaper & sometimes easier to use. I recommend purchasing books at the UIC Bookstore/Follett Corp., unless you can find the exact book online. The UIC Daley Library offers some course textbooks to be checked out at no charge. Lastly, read each course syllabus (either online @ Blackboard or in class when distributed) which will explain important details about the course.

*When attending live classes, the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidance on masks & social distancing must be adhered to while inside classrooms.

Good luck!
Audrey Zenner
Academic Center for Excellence (ACE)